Journal of Disability and Oral Health
- Cover Date:
- October 2001
- Print ISSN:
- 1470-8558
- Electronic ISSN:
- 1754-2758
- Vol:
- 2
- Issue:
- 2
What’s new? New President – MIND
Lord Melvyn Bragg has been appointed as President of MIND, the mental health Charity. He has been head of his local branch of MIND in Carlisle, Cumbria for 15 years. Commenting on his appointment, Lord Bragg said that he hoped he would be able to overcome some of the stigma surrounding mental ill-health of which he has had personal experience. His first wife killed herself in 1970 and Lord Bragg has experienced severe bouts of depression, making him more aware of the experiences of others. Games of the Special Olympics in February 2001. The Healthy Athletes Initiative offers health screening – vision, hearing, teeth, physical ability, nutrition advice – to the athletes who come to the Games. During the Games, the Surgeon General of the United States, David Satcher, together with Eunice Kennedy Schreiber, the originator of the Special Olympics, visited the Olympic Village. Whilst he was in Alaska, the Surgeon General made a statement at a Special Hearing on promoting Health for People with Mental Retardation before a US Senate Committee on Appropriations. In his Statement, the Surgeon General publicised the findings of a privately funded literature review by Special Olympics and Yale University on the health needs of people with mental retardation (MR). As well as describing the range of health problems and the impact of these on the lives of people with MR, the review particularly commends the Special Smiles Program; since 1993, 53,000 athletes have been screened during the Olympic State Games in 36 States and 2 international sites. The Surgeon General’s vision for the future encompasses developing surveillance systems, tracking the 10 leading Health Indicators of ‘Healthy people 2010’ specifically for people with MR and developing community-based health care. In addition he sees an urgent need to make Federal Government more responsive to the unique challenges and needs of people with MR and to better address the legal implications of the plight of this group in the community. The research community are exhorted to focus their efforts on the problems, needs and opportunities for people with MR. Further details can be accessed at the Surgeon General’s web site: sgooffice.htm
- Article Price
- £15.00
- Institution Article Price
- £15.00
- Page Start
- 85
- Page End
- 96
- Authors
- Sue Greening, D. Lewis, Janice Fiske, June Nunn
Articles from this issue
- Title
- Pg. Start
- Pg. End
- The effect of topical metronidazole therapy and controlled oral hygiene procedures on periodontal disease in patients with Down syndrome – a clinical interventional study
- 54
- 62
- Day stay service for special needs patients requiring restorative dentistry – an audit of non attendance
- 63
- 65
- The oral health and treatment needs of adults with a learning disability living in private households in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham, London
- 78
- 82