Journal of Disability and Oral Health
- Cover Date:
- March 2016
- Print ISSN:
- 1470-8558
- Vol:
- 17
- Issue:
- 1
Poster Abstracts 2016
SCDA 28th Annual Meeting / 23rd iADH Congress – April 2016 – Chicago
Poster Presentations
Assessment of the effectiveness and utilisation of training among alumni of NSU Advanced Education in General Dentistry
(AEGD) Specials Needs (SN) Program and their perceived barriers to SN care
Adel Khatib DDS, Lina Kabar DDS, Rawan Tannou DDS
There is an access to dental care problem for the special needs (SN) population in the United States, according to the
2010 Census report approximately 56.7 million noninstitutionalised people with a disability reside in the United
States, which suggests that approximately 1 in 5 Americans has a disability challenging their activities of daily living. Many studies have documented the lack of care for the SN population, which is more concerning because this
population is also at increased risk for dental/oral disease.
- Article Price
- £15.00
- Institution Article Price
- £
- Page Start
- 25
- Page End
- 62
- Authors
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