Journal of Disability and Oral Health
- Cover Date:
- March/June 2020
- Print ISSN:
- 1470-8558
- Vol:
- 21
- Issue:
- 1
Providing a domiciliary general anaesthetic to facilitate dental treatment for a patient with severe agoraphobia and learning disabilities
This case report describes the dental management of a patient with learning disabilities and agoraphobia who had
not left his house for seven years. A multidisciplinary team, experienced with treatment of patients with severe
learning disabilities, held a series of best interest meetings to plan how to deliver his care safely and minimise
distress to the patient. The patient was anaesthetised at home and transferred to an acute hospital for
comprehensive dental care in a theatre environment. He was transported home sedated, where he was recovered
by the anaesthetic team. This case demonstrates the adjustments and planning that must be undertaken when
treating special care patients in order to meet their complex needs safely with a person-centred approach. It
highlights the importance of communication amongst colleagues from different disciplines when planning care in
extenuating circumstances.
- Article Price
- £15.00
- Institution Article Price
- £0.00
- Page Start
- 3
- Page End
- 9
- Authors
Articles from this issue
- Title
- Pg. Start
- Pg. End
- Providing a domiciliary general anaesthetic to facilitate dental treatment for a patient with severe agoraphobia and learning disabilities
- 3
- 9
- An unusual presentation and subsequent management of gingival overgrowth in a patient with a severe learning disability – a case report
- 10
- 15
- A review of the scholarly output of dedicated English-language Special Care Dentistry journals
- 16
- 25