Journal of Disability and Oral Health

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Cover Date:
June 2008
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Electromyographic evaluation of anterior temporalis and masseter muscles in patients with cerebral palsy before and after postural stabilisation

Abstract Aim: To evaluate the electromyographic activity of right and left anterior temporalis and masseter muscles in the physiological rest position of the mandible in patients with cerebral palsy in a dental chair, before and after postural stabilisation. Method: A group of 28 non-residential individuals with quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy of both genders aged 7 to 13 years were evaluated. The electromyographic signals of electrical activity of the muscles were stored and analysed as root-mean-square (RMS) with values expressed in microvolts (µV). The nonparametric Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test was used to compare the EMG activity of the muscles. Results: The right and left anterior temporalis muscles showed a statistically significant reduction in electrical activity (p<0.001, and p<0.001, respectively) after postural stabilisation, and the same was observed for the right and left masseter (p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). Conclusion: Postural stabilisation influences not only the activity of masticatory muscles but also inhibits pathological postural reflexes, facilitating dental treatment of individuals with cerebral palsy.

Key words: Electromyography (EMG), masseter, anterior temporalis, jaw muscles, cerebral palsy

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César F Amorim, Fabíola Grammatico Carmagnani, Maria Teresa Botti Rodrigues dos Santos

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  1. Electromyographic evaluation of anterior temporalis and masseter muscles in patients with cerebral palsy before and after postural stabilisation
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