Journal of Disability and Oral Health
- Cover Date:
- April 2002
- Print ISSN:
- 1470-8558
- Electronic ISSN:
- 1754-2758
- Vol:
- 3
- Issue:
- 1
Whats New ? Special Olympics UK: Healthy Athletes Programme / Special Smiles Cardiff, July 28th – Aug 4th 2001
Report by Janet Griffiths Fifteen foreign dentists visited Cardiff at the invitation of David Wagner and Steve Perlman. Their expenses were paid by the Healthy Athletes programme. I understand that the object of their visit was to participate in the screening programme and receive training in setting up a Healthy Smiles programme at Special Olympics in their respective countries. There were considerable problems relating to General Dental Council (GDC) approval for overseas dentists working in this country and a decision was taken therefore to confine the screening programme to the Sunday and Monday using GDC registered dentists from London. I felt my role should be to make the visiting dentists feel as welcome as possible on behalf of BSDH and to try and make their visit a positive experience. Saturday: Training Day: The President of BSDH, Debbie Lewis interrupted her holiday to officially welcome everyone. I attended with two other colleagues from the Welsh Special Interest Group and presented PWLD Guidelines, BSDH Guidelines and SIG Domiciliary Guidelines. Sunday: Provided support at Olympic Village. Visit from Paul Langmaid, Chief Dental Officer of Wales. Organised transport to accommodation. Monday: Provided support at Olympic Village. Tuesday: Evening meal at the Bosphorus Restaurant, Cardiff Bay with invited BSDH members. Wednesday: Transport and tour
- Article Price
- £15.00
- Institution Article Price
- £15.00
- Page Start
- 34
- Page End
- 47
- Authors
- J E Griffiths
Articles from this issue
- Title
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- Pg. End
- The use of oral midazolam and metoclopramide as premedication prior to day stay general anaesthesia: an audit of premedication for adult patients with severe learning disabilities
- 3
- 6