Journal of Disability and Oral Health

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Cover Date:
April 2002
Print ISSN:
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Whats New ? Special Olympics UK: Healthy Athletes Programme / Special Smiles Cardiff, July 28th – Aug 4th 2001
Report by Janet Griffiths Fifteen foreign dentists visited Cardiff at the invitation of David Wagner and Steve Perlman. Their expenses were paid by the Healthy Athletes programme. I understand that the object of their visit was to participate in the screening programme and receive training in setting up a Healthy Smiles programme at Special Olympics in their respective countries. There were considerable problems relating to General Dental Council (GDC) approval for overseas dentists working in this country and a decision was taken therefore to confine the screening programme to the Sunday and Monday using GDC registered dentists from London. I felt my role should be to make the visiting dentists feel as welcome as possible on behalf of BSDH and to try and make their visit a positive experience. Saturday: Training Day: The President of BSDH, Debbie Lewis interrupted her holiday to officially welcome everyone. I attended with two other colleagues from the Welsh Special Interest Group and presented PWLD Guidelines, BSDH Guidelines and SIG Domiciliary Guidelines. Sunday: Provided support at Olympic Village. Visit from Paul Langmaid, Chief Dental Officer of Wales. Organised transport to accommodation. Monday: Provided support at Olympic Village. Tuesday: Evening meal at the Bosphorus Restaurant, Cardiff Bay with invited BSDH members. Wednesday: Transport and tour

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J E Griffiths

Articles from this issue

  • Title
  • Pg. Start
  • Pg. End

  1. Editorial - The Year of Special Care Dentistry?
  2. 2
  3. 2

  1. The use of oral midazolam and metoclopramide as premedication prior to day stay general anaesthesia: an audit of premedication for adult patients with severe learning disabilities
  2. 3
  3. 6

  1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A review and guide for dental professionals
  2. 7
  3. 13

  1. Electrocardiographic findings and history of medical diseases in hospitalised dental patients
  2. 13
  3. 19

  1. Prion disease: implications for Special Care Dentistry
  2. 20
  3. 24

  1. Case Report – Delayed deciduous teeth exfoliation in a Down syndrome patient
  2. 25
  3. 26

  1. Certificate in Special Care Dental Nursing
  2. 27
  3. 29

  1. Guidelines for the oral care of patients who are dependent, dysphagic or critically ill
  2. 30
  3. 33

  1. BSDH News
  2. 34
  3. 47

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