Journal of Disability and Oral Health
- Cover Date:
- April 2003
- Print ISSN:
- 1470-8558
- Electronic ISSN:
- 1754-2758
- Vol:
- 4
- Issue:
- 1
Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) with CarisolvTM in intellectually disabled patients
Aim: To investigate the use of ART in carious cavities in intellectually impaired individuals with and without the use of CarisolvTM. Materials and methods: To apply these treatment approaches for dentinal caries without pulpal compromise, in a residential centre for intellectually disabled people in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. Results: 25 patients were treated from a total population of 98 individuals, ranging from 4 to 65 years of age. At the 1-year follow-up, clinical performance of 28 ART restorations was compared to 47 ART+CarisolvTM restorations in the same patients using the same material (Fuji IX, GC Corporation). A significant difference was found in treatment outcome in relation to caries-free cavities after excavation (p<0.001 Fisher’s Exact test) and loss of restoration at follow-up (p<0.05 Fisher ’s Exact test). Conclusions: CarisolvTM seems to enhance clinical performance of ART restorations in this population of intellectually disabled patients. However, long-term follow-up is needed to justify this approach. Key words: Chemomechanical removal, disabled patients, atraumatic treatment, ART
- Article Price
- £15.00
- Institution Article Price
- £15.00
- Page Start
- 15
- Page End
- 18
- Authors
- G F Molina, C Kultje
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