Journal of Disability and Oral Health
- Cover Date:
- December 2011
- Print ISSN:
- 1470-8558
- Vol:
- 12
- Issue:
- 4
Thanks to reviwers
The Journal of Disability and Oral Health would like to take this opportunity to thank all the reviewers who have generously given their time to review manuscripts this year.
Liam Addy Paul Allison Phil Atkin Mats BÃ¥gesund Peter Bateman Jane Beattie Raman Bedi Carole Boyle Mary Burke Kenneth Dalley Blanaid Daly Peter de Coster Alison Dougall Dimitris Emmanuoil Denise Faulks David Felix Jenny Gallagher Sortiria Gizani Nick Goss Janet Griffiths Roger Hall
Martine Hennequin Henry Hood Nicky Kilpatrick Navdeep Kumar Debbie Lewis Lesley Longman Avril Macpherson Luc Marks Selina Master Colman McGrath Gustavo Molina Ichijiro Morisaki Anita Nolan Sheila Oliver Helen Patterson Eleanor O'Sullivan Carlos Salinas Clive Schneider-Friedman Simon Tiller Sonia Williams Kathy Wilson
- Article Price
- £15.00
- Institution Article Price
- £
- Page Start
- 148
- Page End
- 148
- Authors
Articles from this issue
- Title
- Pg. Start
- Pg. End
- Influence of command on tongue elevation during swallowing: examination of tongue pressure and ultrasound imaging
- 149
- 158